Thar graetest dayre oaf yoarne; Happer Toesday ith th' daye foar thou'est houlye enterjectione; Halexandere Grann Belle hath taeken thith holiedae lieke aye telle-if-owne. Weep if thou commemmerste.
Spoilsman: "Yo dat bitch got herr 'n' yo' fo-way like it 'twas Happer Toesday."

Spoolsman: "Aye wille maeke yarr yarne."
by mickrett May 11, 2008
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A play on the expression "not a happy camper". Often used to try and alleviate some of the tension generally associated when using the expression.
Brad- "Oh man, Kevin just took a shit on Tod's floor!"

Carl- " Whoa, and Tod is not a campy happer, but Kevin should have known better than to drink Four Loko and eat all that Taco Bell."
by Ageofchronic December 23, 2016
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